I LOVE Dodgeball and so do most campers. While traditional Dodgeball is my favorite campers sometimes need variations to keep it interesting. Here are my favorite 18 variations. You may have different rules depending on the variations or may have heard them called something else, but this is how I play and the names I know them by.
Don’t see your favorite here? Let us know about it in the comments area below.
Barrier Dodgeball
In this variation, barriers are set out for players to be able to hide behind. I have used things like gym mats propped up on their sides, large cones, tables laid on their sides, chairs and refrigerator boxes. If you find that players are just hanging out behind a barrier then let them know they have to change barriers on the sound of the whistle. This gets them up and moving. Using large cones is good too since campers are still a bit exposed when they try to hide behind them.
Island Dodgeball
Teams must stand on a large mat or tarp as they play. Only one player at a time may step off to collect balls but they cannot throw them unless they are on the “island”.
The referee holds the Powerball, a larger or different colored ball. Occasionally during the game, the referee will roll the ball along the centerline. Players have 10-15 seconds to retrieve the ball and get it to the referee without getting hit. If they are successful one of their teammates who has been in jail the longest gets to return to the game. You may impose rules like, once the Powerball is picked up that player cannot be hit, or once the Powerball is returned to the referee the player gets a free walk to the backline.
Hoop Shoot Dodgeball
If you are playing on a basketball court players can opt to shoot their dodgeball at the opposing team’s basket. They must shoot it from their own side of the court. If they make the basket (a rarity) all of their team’s players in jail get to return to the game. It’s like a “jail-break” for that one team.
Opposite Hand Dodgeball
All players must throw with their non-dominant hand. This is hilarious to watch.
This is an “every person for themselves” type of game. There must be specific boundaries (we play in a small community room). Players can run anywhere they want in the room, or within the boundaries. Play starts with the referee throwing the ball in the air. The player that gets it can throw it at someone or take up to three steps, no more, before they throw it. The player that retrieves it must do the same, take up to three steps (or hops) before throwing it. Meanwhile, the other players can run around and dodge the ball. If a player is hit they must sit down where they are (essentially they are frozen). If the player that got them out gets hit they are back in the game (unfrozen). Also, players can catch the ball to save themselves and get the thrower to sit down. So gameplay goes on for a while. This is our teens’ favorite version of “Dodgeball”.
Four Quadrants
This is where the large square playing area is divided into four smaller squares. Each area is home to a team (four teams are playing, obviously). Play is just like normal Dodgeball except that players must be watching three other teams instead of just one. This variation makes it hard to “hide”.
One player from each team is chosen to be the Jedi. Jedis start the game inside of a Hula-Hoop which is their “circle of force”. When a player is hit the must sit down. Jedis can heal them by tagging them. If the Jedi has to come out of their “circle of force” to heal someone and they get hit by a ball they are out. Each player that gets hit after the Jedi is eliminated goes out as well. Once a player, or Jedi, is out they cannot return even if someone catches a ball. You may give the Jedi a lightsaber (foam noodle) to carry. They can use the saber to tag their fallen teammates. This gives them a bit more reach from their “circle of force”. I don’t use the lightsabers personally but have seen other activity directors use them.
This is similar to Jedi except there is no “circle of force” for the Medic to “hide” in.
Protect the King
One player is chosen to be the King (or Queen). The other players are Knights and must not only battle the other team (by playing Dodgeball, of course) but they must protect their King (or Queen). Once the King or Queen gets hit the game is over.
Cosmic Dodgeball
This variation is regular Dodgeball but with the lights off. We use glow-in-the-dark dodgeballs. We also replace the lights with black lights so people can still be seen (especially if they are wearing white). This, of course, has to be played inside. you can also have players wear glow necklaces for fun. For added effect throw in some DJ lighting and music.
This is the way we played Dodgeball as kids. There are no teams. The last person standing is the winner. All players, except for one, start inside the playing area (a large circle the size of a GaGa pit, half of a basketball court, or some other coned-off area). One player is outside of the area and begins by trying to hit the players inside the playing area. Once a player is hit they join the player(s) on the outside. The players on the inside do not get to throw balls, they only get to dodge. The last person inside the area is the winner and starts the next game on the outside.
Traitor Ball
Normal Dodgeball rules apply except when a player gets hit they must go to the other side (become a traitor). The game ends when all players are on one side or the time is up.
Three pins (plastic bowling pins, 2-liter bottles, or whatever else you can think of) are placed at the backline of each side. They are placed an equal distance from each other on the line. The goal of the teams is to either get all the players out on the other team or to knock down all three of the opposing teams “pins”. Once a pin is knocked down it must stay down, even if it was knocked over by a player’s foot accidentally.
Protect the President
Most players are on the outside of one playing area while two of the players are inside. One of the inside players is the President and the other is the bodyguard. As players on the outside throw balls at the President, the bodyguard must protect the President with their body. The bodyguard can block the balls with his/her hands, legs, chest, etc. Once the President is hit the bodyguard becomes the President and the President becomes the bodyguard. Once the “new” President gets hit the two are out and the next duo gets a turn. I like to time the pairs to see who lasts the longest.
Rapid Fire
Three Hula Hoops are placed in the middle of the playing area. Each Hula Hoop has one player (thrower) and three dodgeballs in it. The object is for everyone else to get from one side of the playing area to the other without getting hit. It’s sort of like Sharks and Minnows except that the “sharks” must stay in the Hula Hoop and when the minnows get hit they are out. Once the survivors get across, the throwers may retrieve their balls before the next round starts. Throwers can only throw dodgeballs while they are in their Hula Hoop but they can leave their hoop to retrieve balls at any time. The last three survivors get to be the throwers in the next game.
Nine-Lives Dodgeball
Actually, we play Three-Lives Dodgeball. Each player is given three strips of fabric to tie around their arm. Each time they are hit they must take off a strip. when a player runs out of strips they are out of the game.
Fitness Dodgeball
We play this one with the younger campers because they don’t like to sit out. When a player gets hit they must stop where they are and do 20 jumping jacks or three push-ups before they continue playing.
My students LOVE playing the Jedi version. Every time we play it I have a gaggle of students begging me to be the first Jedi knights. Thanks for the other dodgeball ideas.
There’s something about being a Jedi that kids, especially boys, love. I think you can add Jedis to any game and make it more appealing in the process.
The bodyguard in Protect The President is nice. I have already made a role that is called Defender whose goal is to protect other players by giving them their vest which blocks 1 hit.
I love the idea of special power-ups like that. Especially if they only have a one time use.
Hey Curt,
These are awesome ideas that I am going to remember as a P.E teacher! Quick question: where can you find black lights?
Thanks, Langston. You can get blacklights online at Amazon, companies that carry Halloween products and companies that carry DJ equipment.
We did a version we called “Snack Break” where we lined up snacks on the center line. If you could grab the snack and make it to the back line without getting hit by a ball, you got to keep it. We had several rounds, and used Pez, cans of Pringles, Snack Pies, liters of soda, gum, Goldfish. We even had a t-shirt round. The kids went CRAZY for the prizes!
Ha! Love it, Shane!
We used to play a version called “Vanguard” that I can’t find the rules to anywhere! Similar to the Jedi version but the Vanguard had a box on the opposing team’s side. Vanguard could eliminate members of the other team, or if their own team members threw them a ball and it was caught everyone on the Vanguard’s team was back in. If the Vanguard tried to get an opposing team member out and the ball was caught, VG was out and so were any other team members subsequently hit. Has anyone ever heard of this?
I haven’t seen this version of Pinball we used to play. Each team has a pin (empty gallon jug) and a guard holding a ball and on his knees in front of the pin to fend off the incoming balls. Each team is playing traditional dodge ball, trying to hit others from the other team and getting them out, but also trying to hit the guard to get him out. If you get the guard out, it leaves the pin wide open to be knocked over= game over. Team members can take over as guard, but eventually it comes down to one guard protecting the pin and the other side taking aim until he’s out and the pin is theirs to knock over. It was a lot of fun!
Fitness dodgeball! I use resistance bands ( flat not handles) sometimes
Thanks for ideas! Day of games ahead
i think a really good one was definitely the traitor dodgeball, its nice to see a twist where you have to be in the majority but still fight for your team and make a come back!!!
These are excellent Curt!
Thanks for sharing!
what about wild dodgeball
How do you play Wild Dodgeball?
Steal the Chicken/Bacon Dodgeball
I play steal the chicken or steal the bacon dodgeball….we use rubber chickens or pigs…we have 4 mats which are the chicken coops or pig pens….there are 2 teams 1 hula hoop with the chicken or pig inside it towards the end of the gym….2 mats (chicken coops or pig pens) on each side (put at the ends of the playing field….the mats are where they go when they are out…the only way to get back in is to have your teammate throw you a ball & you catch it in the air with both feet on the mat…..whatever line they are allowed to of to & throw the ball they can now cross anytime as long as they don’t have a ball & try to steal the chicken or pig….If the other team taps you you go to the mat, if you steal the chicken or pig and make it back and place it in your hula hoop you win…you also win by getting all the other team out….some other rules are if the cross the line to steal the chicken they cannot kick balls or bring balls back with them, they may however bring the ball back with them & they catch it while they are out, no passing the chicken or pig whoever picks it up must put it in their hoop, once they cross the throwing line the other team must hit them with the ball not tag them
Joy, that is a terrific variation. I love it. Thanks so much for sharing.
Curt, thanks for these great ideas. I am coaching an after school activity for dodgeball and will use many of these. We’ve been doing a variation that I call “No-mans-land.” There is a line both teams cannot cross, but a space about 15 feet in the middle where these lines overlap. Both teams can go in this area, creating a high risk, high reward zone called “no-mans-land.” The kids seem to really enjoy it.
Dan, that is an awesome variation! Thanks for sharing.
kids just came back from camp and played a version called “Justice.” Heard of it? Know how to play? I tried asking them but my old person brain can’t seem to interpret their responses.
Sorry, Rich, I have not heard of Justice. Sounds interesting, though. If you ever find out the rules, let me know.
Justice: (at least the rules I have so far) Everyone sitting in a circle in chairs and use a balloon ball is best (cheap ones you get at store that are hard to catch but not too bouncy). A facilitator is needed to pick random time frames (like musical chairs) and referee. Players throw the ball from their seat. First throw cannot be blocked or you’re out – either catch it or let it hit the person it was going for. Last person the ball hit when time runs out is out. When a person is out, they can sit on the floor in front of another person and block the ball from hitting them. You can only get out of your chair to retrieve a loose ball that hit you – and if so, you can run around the circle to throw the ball from anywhere. But if you are out of your chair and the ball hits your chair – that is the same as the ball hitting you.
I think you can make up the rest however you want. You can pile up ppl on the floor to block remaining survivors. Or you can completely remove a ‘blocker’ when the ‘blockee’ gets out – then that blockee can become a blocker. Use some creativity to finish off each round.
Cool. Thanks for the explanation, Rich.
We do a version called BodyBall. If you get hit in the arm, you lose it, and have to put it behind and have to throw with the other hand, if you get hit in the leg, you hop on one leg, both legs you are on your knees, both arms you can only dodge, if hit anywhere else you choose which body part you lose, if you lose everything you roll around on the floor.
Haha…you had me at “roll on the floor”. I can just imagine that. Sounds like a fun version. Thanks for sharing.
We play a game called batman and robin where you pick a batman and robin. You also pick 3-4 villains that are on a team. The rest of the people that you haven’t picked yet are citizens. Batman and robin run around and when the citizens are hit batman or robin have 5 seconds to save the person who was hit. If they don’t save the citizens in time then the citizens go with the villains when a villain gets hit the are out of the game. When either batman and robin are both villains or all of the villains are out, the game is over
Swish (great name) this is a very creative variation. Seems like it would be a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.
Mission Impossible. Divide students into 4 teams with each team in a different colored pinny. Each team starts in a corner of the gym with 2 balls. At the starting signal they can run anywhere and throw balls at opposing players. When hit a student must sit down but when the person that hit them goes down they can then rejoin the game. A team wins if every other team is totally down while their whole steam is standing. Sometimes one game take an entire gym period.
Sheldon, this version seems like it would be utter chaos…and a whole lot of fun. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
“Crackabout” is known as leriche where I’m from (luh-RISH). It’s easily the my favorite form of dodgeball out there. The cool thing about it is that alliances in general tend to be natural, which makes way for some awesome gameplay dynamics. A game of leriche/crackabout becomes a live-action wartime soap opera for all parties involved. Backstabbing and betrayal is a rampant theme of the game, and it can lead to heartbreak and spite for allies and enemies alike. Warlords can have long moments of glorious rampage, but their reign of terror can be crumbled in the blink of an eye, either by an unfortunate misstep or an unsuspected pelting by a trusted teammate. You don’t get that in regular dodgeball.
Another great thing about crackabout/leriche is how you stay engaged the entire time. When you get out in classical dodgeball, the round is over for you. You traipse over to the bench by the edge of the field and lazily watch the rest of the game continue without you. You may be invested in your team winning, but it’s like watching your favorite sports team playing on television. You’re interested in the outcome, but you’re not really engaged. In crackabout/leriche, that’s far from the case. When you get out, you follow the game like an eagle follows its prey. The person who got you out is the center of your attention, and you eagerly await the moment where he finally falls. His friends are your enemies, and his enemies are your best hope at getting back in. If you’re situated properly, you also may wish to watch the ball with your second eye in hopes that it may come back to you. In the process, you will witness all of the drama and excitement that the others are experiencing, and you’ll in turn experience it yourself. After all, you’re affected by what happens in the game, and at any moment, you can hop right back in. God, I love that game!
Crackabout sounds like an amazing variation. Would love to know the exact rules.
You already know the exact rules, don’t you? It’s number 6 in the original list!
Haha…I forgot that I added that name. We used to play that variation a lot but called it Mushroom Ball for some reason. I have no idea where that name came from. When I first posted the list I had it as Mushroom Ball, then a friend of mine said it was actually called Crackabout. So I changed the name on the post. Now I guess it has a second name, Leriche. Your comment makes so much more sense now, too. Plus, it’s so well written.
It has a 3rd name too. We call it Scatterball. Because, at the beginning when starter throws the ball in the air, everyone scatters. and keep scattering the whole game from the person who has the ball. Also, something new we started doing, I don’t know if it is common for you, but for us, we run to the middle to grab the balls, but before we can throw them we have to touch the wall again. So that way your safe if you go for the balls. Only at the beginning of the game though.
I know it as mushroom ball too. It was our camp favorite for sure, and now as an adult/pe teacher, I was looking for the rules. I think the local high school calls it “falcon ball” after their mascot/sports teams
Thanks for the ideas, I am the CSM of my JROTC program and my cadets (myself included) are really into dodgeball. After so long medic ball and conventional dodgeball gets a little old. Tomorrow is PT I think I will sugest that four team varient. Thanks again! -C/CSM Moon 4th Brigaid 48th Screaming Eagle Battalion
Thanks for the comment, Moon.
Great suggestions! I will be using some of these this week at our home school co-op!
I grew up playing “Mushroom Ball” (a.k.a. Crackabout), however with one variation. If you are out (sitting on the ground/floor) you can get back in by the traditional methods (catching a ball or throwing a ball and hitting someone standing) or you can get back in by tagging someone who is still up. A person who is tagged by someone sitting is then out and must sit down. You must be in a sitting position and cannot move from your spot to tag someone (so they must run by within arms reach to get them). This adds a whole other dynamic to the game as those who are up have to worry about balls hitting them and being tagged by those sitting around them!
I like that added rule, Cassi. Thanks for sharing.
Where I come from Crackabout Dodgeball is known as “3-Step”. I know of a variation of it called Chaos where it is Crackabout but you can take unlimited steps and there is more than one ball.
Our version of “Crackabout” is called CONTINUUM. We play on a large athletic field. We make a circle of cones 50-150 feet in diameter depending on how many people are playing. We regularly play this with 50-100 kids at a time. Everyone starts outside of the circle and we have 12-24 dodgeballs piled up in the center of the circle. We yell GAME ON and everyone runs into the center of the circle and the balls start flying…if you get hit, then you have to go and sit outside of the circle until the person that got you out gets out. This game doesn’t really have an ending point, it is virtually impossible to win(unless you are only playing with 10-20 people)…hence the name Continuum.
Hahaha…Wow…I’d call that game “Mayhem”. How do you make sure kids aren’t cheating. It would seem that it would be hard to referee that kind of game. On the other hand, it sounds like a lot of fun to play. That’s just a lot of people and dodgeballs. You would have to rely on the integrity of the campers for sure.
The versions of Crackabout/Leriche/Mushroom Ball/3-step/Continuum that I recall playing had no boundaries except for whatever natural boundaries existed where the game was played. The cool thing about this version of the game is that gameplay no matter what will gravitate towards the ball, so the only thing that adding boundaries would do is give those not holding the ball more room to run away when somebody else has it. This would then give the thrower less time to make their throwing calculation, since at some point, everyone’s going to be too far away.
One time, I played this game with a group of around 40 other people. Gameplay was on a big outdoor soccer field surrounded by woods, and we actually ended up playing through to the end. It took more than 3 hours of continuous gameplay, but a victor eventually managed to knock everyone else down. That was a battle worth remembering.
My all-time favourite game is Pinball Dodgeball. Two teams separated by one center line that cannot be crossed or reached over for loose balls. A team wins by one of two methods 1-They eliminate all opposing players or 2-They knock down the opposing team’s three pins.
Each team has three wooden pins at the back half of the playing area (my gym is very small so pins go at far back but distance might need to be adjusted for larger playing areas) Teams play normal dodgeball (direct throws with no head shots allowed). If a player is hit (without catching or dodging throw), they go and sit off to the side. If player catches throw, nothing happens to thrower and play continues. A team may place as many players as they want in front of pin to protect it (always standing) but they cannot touch or hold their pins in place or prevent them from falling. Eliminated players may return to active playing IF one of their teammates knocks down an opposing team’s pin. In fact, once knocked over, ALL players from the team knocking over opponent’s pin get to come back in. Play continues until there are no players or all three pins from one team have been knocked over. When and if one team only has one player left, I give that player 60 seconds to either hit an opposing player (new 60 seconds every time they hit a player) or knock a pin down. If after 60 exhausting seconds that player fails to accomplish either feat, the game is over and other team wins. It’s remarkable to see how often a single player becomes a hero by knocking down the other team’s pin thus re-activating his/her entire team. I use gatorskin foam balls with a ratio of approx 1 ball for every 4 players. With all the action, there is NO standing around in this game!
Stephen, I really like dodgeball games where you knock things down like that. Thanks for the comment.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this one, but it’s like a chess version. There is a queen and a king on each team, The king has to stay in a certain area, ( you can use the key from basket-ball ) The queen is like the protector she can only get hit if she is out of the king area. There are also, 2 knights on each team, they are the only ones capable of letting players back in by catching the ball, so if they are both out, nobody can come back in. There are 2 bishops on each team. they can go anywhere in the gym ( even on the other teams side ) but they get out if hit. The 2 towers get to only stay on the lines on their side, but don’t get out. The rest of the players are pawns they are just regular players, can go anywhere ( on their own side ). The point of the game is to hit the king. if the king is hit, the game is over. The only exeption is that the queen, and only the queen can trade out, ( if still in the game) with one of the knights so they can save the team. You can modify the rules acording to your group. hope you find this a fun game!!
This is a great version, Emily. Thanks for sharing.
Great stuff Curt! Try using some of them in “silent” mode – really makes for interesting dynamics, different methods of communicating, and a welcome break from the shouting and screaming!
What a great idea. I am all about trying out “silent mode”. You could have other “modes” like “opposite hand mode” where players must throw with their non-dominant hand, “pirate mode” where players where an eye-patch that will mess with their depth perception, etc.
hey. so i’ve actually played a version where there are three throwers. and there’s someone calling out demands. like “if you are wearing a red shirt run to the other side” and all the players that fit into that category must run to the other side. if you are hit then you must sit down but you can tag the other ppl who are running and make them get out. so once everyone is from one side to the other you continue the trend until finally one person is left standing. and that person wins
Interesting twist, Kelly. Thanks for sharing.
Conjoined Twin Doctor Ball
My middle school pupils love this variant. Players are divided into two teams. Then everyone pairs up within their team, they are now conjoined twins and hold hands. Play dodgeball. When a player is hit she has to call out where she was hit (Example: “Auch! My left knee is hit!”), her twin then has to hold their free hand on that spot. Hilarity ensues when both twins are hit and they each has to hold on to the other in awkward places and still try to dodge. If only one person is hit, and the same person gets hit again, the twin moves her hand to the new spot. If both twins are hit, the next hit means the pair is out. (Normal dodgeball rules apply to get back in the game).
This is hilarious, Tor. I have never heard of this variation. Thanks for sharing.
I love the dodgeball game called “Pony Express”. Divide the class in half. Set up two lines of cones with about 15 yards in the middle which is used as the running zone. The line of cones can extend to 20-25 yards long. One team lines up at the start of the running zone (they are the runners). The other half of the class have a dodgeball each and station themselves on the two lines of cones facing towards the middle space.
The goal: the running team one at a time has a pinnie and the need to get to the end of the running zone and back to score a point. If they are hit with a dodgeball (thrown by the kids on the side), they sit down where they are hit and the next teammate picks up where they left off. Each team has 5 minutes to score (run back and forth without being hit) as many points as they can, and then the two teams switch.
It’s important to note
-Wherever the kid is hit on their journey (to the end of the running zone and back), that’s where they sit and that’s where their teammate grabs the pinnie and keeps going. So if a kid makes it to the end and is on their way back and gets hit, ALL the teammate has to do is get the pinnie and bring it back to the start
-When you are hit you sit down
-A reset takes place when all players are hit, they all get back to the start and go again until their 5 minutes are up
-If there is one player left running, they can go back and forth until they are hit
-Players on side cannot step past their cone/in the running zone
It’s basically like dodgeball gauntlet
Tess, thank you for sharing, This is a great variation!
A great dodgeball variation is called Jogar Queimado. It’s a Brazilian version that starts with one player from each team starting behind the opposite team, essentially having the main court split into two sides in the middle and two end zones. You can be hit from both sides and the throwing can be tactical with passing to try and hit the opposition. You can’t leave your part of the court. When the first person in a team is hit they go into the end zone behind the opposition and the end zone player goes into the main court. After that if you are hit you stay in your end zone. The first team to get everyone out into the end zone wins. There is great video online showing professional teams playing in Brazil, and our youth group love this version.